Eta Lyrae (Aladfar): A Massive, Luminous Binary Star

Best viewed in June through October, Eta Lyrae is a variable and binary star in the constellation Lyra. The traditional name for the star is Aladfar, Arabic for the talons of a swooping eagle. At a magnitude of 4.5, one should be able to spot the star from a dark sky location with the naked eye.

Aladfar’s dimmer appearance masks its true brilliance in the galaxy. It’s a massive hot blue-white star with a diameter 11 times larger than the sun and a total luminosity, or energy output, of 21,000 times that of the sun! Wow. I’m glad these “talons,” with their obliterating power, lie 1,300 light-years safely away from us.

Aladfar’s notable secondary star lies 28″ (arcseconds) away. With this distance, backyard astronomers with smaller telescopes should be able to enjoy this binary.

My Observations

DateJuly 30, 2022
Time11:25 p.m.
LocationSeattle, WA
ScopeMeade 8″ SCT
This sketch drawing illustrates what the binary star Eta Lyrae (Aladfar) looks like through an 8-inch SCT telescope from a suburban location under light-polluted skies.
Sketch of Aladfar

This evening has been so productive and enjoyable. Aladfar lies outside the main structure of the harp on the side near Cygnus. The primary star is a brilliant blue-white color. The secondary star appears to be a darker yellow, or maybe it even falls into the orange range. However, as I write this, I’ve read several observations that the star is actually a light blue. In addition, several faint stars are floating around this binary, and two pairs of stars are nearby. These may be a part of its multiple-star system, I assume.

Key Stats

Best ViewingSummer/Autumn
Visual Magnitude+4.4, +8.6
Absolute Visual Magnitude-6.09
Distance from Earth1,300 ly
Separation28.4 ″ | 12,000 AU
Position Angle81°
Milky Way LocationOrion Spur
My Viewing GradeB
DesignationsStruve 2487, STF 2587, SAO68010, η Lyrae, 20 Lyrae, HD180163, Σ 2487

Sources and Notes

Banner shared under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license. Photo by David Ritter. Details here.

1 “Eta Lyrae.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 27 Mar. 2022,

2 Aladfar,

Sketch by Wayne McGraw

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