Struve 2540 (HD 184360): A Tight Pair Near the Coat Hanger Asterism

In the autumn constellation Vulpecula is the popular Brocchi’s Cluster, nicknamed the Coat Hanger. It consists of approximately 10 stars arranged in a distinctive shape that resembles an upside-down coat hanger or a shepherd’s crook. You’ll find several double stars in this region, including the quaint Struve 2540 among a pretty background of faint stars.

Stuve 2540 is a triple star, though most backyard urban astronomers will only see the brighter pair referred to as Struve 2540 A and B. The two stars are a pretty tight pair, only separated by 5.4 arcseconds. The primary star shines at a magnitude of +7.5, while the secondary star has a fainter magnitude of +9.3. Both are white stars of spectral type A3.

As John Nanson points out on Star Splitters, this tight double stands out nicely among a field of 10th and 11th-magnitude stars.

My Observations

DateOctober 15, 2023
Time9:22 p.m.
LocationSeattle, WA
ScopeMeade 8″ SCT
Sketch of the double star Struve (STF) 2540 in the constellation Vulpecula near Brocchi's Cluster. The drawing shows the binary system as it appears through an 8-inch SCT scope using a 12mm eyepiece. Star also known as HD 184360 and SAO 87342.
Sketch of Struve 2540 on an autumn evening

As soon as I saw this pair in my field of view, I was impressed by how well I could distinguish them using my 12mm eyepiece. The primary star had a yellow-white tint to it, while the secondary was fainter and had a white color. While this pair may not stand out at first glance, I have slowly started to notice more faint stars appearing in the field as I sketch. It’s a shame that my view is hindered by light pollution, as I’m certain that this double star would be even more stunning to observe under clear skies.

Key Stats

Best ViewingAutumn
Visual Magnitude+7.5 | +9.3
Position Angle (between AB & C)147°
Spectral Class A=A3, B=A3
Absolute Visual Magnitude+1.61
Distance from Earth498 ly
Milky Way LocationOrion Spur
My Viewing GradeB-
DesignationsSAO 87342, HIP 96171, STF 2540

Sources and Notes

The banner illustration was created by the European Southern Observatory (ESO) and is under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Per ESO agreement: Here is the original image on the ESO website.

Sketch by Wayne McGraw

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