WZ Cassiopeiae: A Scarlett Variable Double Star in Cassiopeia

As backyard astronomers saunter through the high northern Autumn skies, they eventually meet eye-to-eye with the large “W” of Cassiopeia hovering above them. Joining the many wonderful deep-sky gems in this region is the carbon star WZ Cassiopeiae, also known as WZ Cas.

WZ Cas shines at a variable magnitude between 6.3 and 8.8. It’s classified as a C-N7 III star. Adding to the interest of this carbon star is that it’s an optical double star. Its companion star shines at a magnitude of 8.4 and lies 58 arcseconds away.1

My Observations

DateNovember 25, 2023
Time6:10 p.m.
LocationSeattle, WA
ScopeMeade 8″ SCT
SeeingAbove Average
TransparencyAbove Average
Sketch of the carbon star WZ Cassiopeiae or WZ Cas. The red double star is variable and lies in the autumn constellation of Cassiopeia. The drawing shows how the star appears through an 8-inch SCT scope with a 12mm eyepiece. Star is also known as SAO 21002, HIP 99, HD 224855.

I’ve enjoyed the crystal clear skies in the Seattle area this Thanksgiving weekend. Tonight, the temperature hovers around freezing, and the humidity is high. But still, as I look at the moon near Jupiter, both are extremely sharp on this icy night. The scope aims nearly straight up and circles a bit until the computer lands on WZ Cas. This star is an orange-red in color, not a deep red. Several whiter stars lie nearby with a brighter white-blue one, which I believe is the optical companion.

Key Stats

Best ViewingAutumn
Visual Magnitude+6.3 – +8.8
Absolute Visual Magnitude-2.59
Distance from Earth2900 ly
Milky Way LocationOrion Spur
My Viewing GradeB+
DesignationsSAO 21002, HIP 99, HD 224855

Sources and Notes

The banner featuring WZ Cassiopeiae in optical light is by David Ritter and was photographed from Edmonton, Canada on the night of October 4, 2018. This image by David is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license. Full details are here on the image.

1Wikimedia Foundation. (2023b, August 12). WZ Cassiopeiae. Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WZ_Cassiopeiae

Sketch by Wayne McGraw

Sketch of the carbon star WZ Cassiopeiae or WZ Cas. The red double star is variable and lies in the autumn constellation of Cassiopeia. The drawing shows how the star appears through an 8-inch SCT scope with a 12mm eyepiece. Star is also known as SAO 21002, HIP 99, HD 224855.

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