Sisters Capture the Essence of the Stars

January 14, 2024 On a crystal clear morning back in September, I enjoyed my time observing Jupiter and studying Orion as the constellation raced ahead of the rising sun. Once the stars faded into the blue sky, I packed up the scope and headed inside to catch a few hours of weekend sleep. The momentContinueContinue reading “Sisters Capture the Essence of the Stars”

Wherever You May Roam: Milky Way in the Florida Keys

Those of us observing the higher northern latitudes don’t have the opportunity to peer easily into Scorpio or Sagittarius like our friends down south. From my garden, I catch the upper portions of these beautiful constellations, but I miss the days of seeing them framed higher above the horizon in all their glory. A fewContinueContinue reading “Wherever You May Roam: Milky Way in the Florida Keys”


The Garden Astronomer website is an online diary of personal astronomical observations from suburban light polluted skies. It contains popular objects viewable without a large investment in equipments as most the targets can be seen using small to moderate-sized telescopes. This page also includes reflections from Wayne McGraw on his return to observing during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Lowell Observatory

A trip to Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona, is a must for any astronomy-loving person. Lowell’s visitor program, along with its open-deck observatory, is second to none. Founded in 1894 by astronomer Percival Lowell, the observatory today is a non-profit astronomical research institution dedicated to connecting people to the universe, through education, exploration, and discovery.ContinueContinue reading “Lowell Observatory”