Struve 2470 and 2474: Lyra’s Other Entrancing Double Double

During summertime and autumn, Struve 2470 and 2474 make for an entrancing sight in the night sky. These two double-star systems are located close to each other and appear parallel due to their orientation. These four stars can appear in the eyepiece together, making for a beautiful harmony in the cosmos. Also known as SAO 67870 and SAO 67875.

Epsilon Lyrae: Four Stars for the Price of Two — A Double Double

Epsilon Lyrae is a double binary system in the constellation Lyra. It’s best viewed in summer through early autumn. While some doubles are notable because of contrasting color, Epsilon Lyrae holds a surprise for first-time observers. On first look through binoculars or small scopes, you’ll see a pair of stars. Take a closer look, andContinueContinue reading “Epsilon Lyrae: Four Stars for the Price of Two — A Double Double”