NGC 2353: Taking a Trip to Avery’s Island, a Star Cluster in Monoceros

The faint winter constellation Monoceros features a nice collection of star clusters and deep sky objects, including the famous Christmas Tree cluster and Avery’s Island, also known as NGC 2353. The cluster features more than 100 stars.

Messier 50 (NGC 2323): That’s an “M” for Monoceros! An Open Star Cluster in Monoceros

Messier 50 is an open star cluster in the constellation Monoceros. It’s best viewed in winter. Discovered by Giovanni Domenico Cassini in 1710, Messier 50 is part of the constellation Monoceros but lies near Canis Major. I’ve read various descriptions of the cluster over the years, including it looking like a “coil,” a “heart,” or,ContinueContinue reading “Messier 50 (NGC 2323): That’s an “M” for Monoceros! An Open Star Cluster in Monoceros”