Struve 2540 (HD 184360): A Tight Pair Near the Coat Hanger Asterism

Struve 2540 (HD 184360) is a triple star system in the constellation Vulpecula. The stars lie in the popular Brocchi’s Cluster, nicknamed the Coat Hanger.

STF 2540 may be a tight pair to view under light-polluted stars, but astronomers will appeciate the view as the double floats among a pretty background of faint stars.

Messier 27 (NGC 6853): The Dumbbell Planetary Nebula in Vulpecula

Messier 27 (NGC 6853) is a planetary nebula in the constellation Vulpecula. It is also known as the Dumbbell Nebula due to its distinctive shape resembling a dumbbell or hourglass. It’s best viewed in summer and early autumn. Amateur astronomers can find M27 fairly easy with binoculars and small telescopes, even from light-polluted suburban area as the sketch in this article shows.

NGC 6820 and NGC 6823: Cluster of Blue Stars with a Beautiful Nebula

The star cluster NGC 6823 lies roughly 6,000 light-years away and appears in the summertime constellation Vulpecula. Adding to this stellar picture is a small emission nebula (known as NGC 6820) that surrounds NGC 6823 and its core of young blue stars. Together, these two NGCs belong to a larger faint emission nebula called SH2-86.ContinueContinue reading “NGC 6820 and NGC 6823: Cluster of Blue Stars with a Beautiful Nebula”